Understanding the Types of Adrenal Adenomas

Adrenal adenomas are benign tumors that can vary based on their functionality and hormone production. Understanding the different types of adrenal adenomas helps in diagnosing, managing, and treating these tumors effectively.

Non-Functional Adrenal Adenomas

Functional Adrenal Adenomas

Functional adrenal adenomas produce excess hormones, leading to specific clinical syndromes. The type of hormone produced determines the symptoms and management approach.

Cortisol-Producing Adenomas (Cushing's Syndrome)

Aldosterone-Producing Adenomas (Conn's Syndrome)

Androgen-Producing Adenomas

Estrogen-Producing Adenomas

Mixed Hormone-Producing Adenomas

Differentiating Adrenal Adenomas from Other Adrenal Masses

Understanding the types of adrenal adenomas and their specific characteristics is crucial for effective diagnosis, management, and treatment. Recognizing the symptoms associated with functional adenomas and differentiating them from non-functional adenomas and other adrenal masses ensures appropriate medical care and improved patient outcomes.