Surgical Procedures for Adrenal Adenoma

Surgical procedures are a primary treatment for adrenal adenomas, particularly functional adenomas causing significant symptoms. Understanding the various surgical options and techniques helps in choosing the best approach for effective treatment.

Types of Surgical Procedures

Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy

Robotic Adrenalectomy

Open Adrenalectomy

Partial Adrenalectomy

Pre-Surgical Preparation

Medical Evaluation


Diet and Lifestyle Adjustments

The Surgical Procedure


Surgical Technique

Post-Surgical Care

Immediate Recovery

Hospital Stay

Long-Term Recovery

Complications and Risks

Common Complications

Specific Risks

Surgical procedures for adrenal adenomas are effective treatments, particularly for functional adenomas causing significant symptoms. Understanding the various surgical options, pre-surgical preparation, and post-surgical care helps patients and healthcare providers choose the best approach for optimal outcomes. Minimally invasive techniques offer advantages in terms of recovery and complications, while open surgery remains an option for larger or more complex adenomas.